Study in UK
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Institutions Cooperation

Unique, effective, efficient and reliable representative
CBUK has developed close work relations with strong academics and the most prestigious universities and institutes. To ensure academic quality, we only partner with academic institutions that are fully recognized in the UK.

Please contact us to learn more about our partnership.



Become our represented institute and you can:


1. Reach a greater education market

According to China's latest regulations, licensed educational consultants agency is only allowed to operate within a designated region in China. In other words, institutes have to find and enter into contracts with each and every licensed agency in each and every different region if intending to have representatives covering the entire China. The hassle and trouble are enormous, let alone all the stipulated formalities.
CBUK provides you with a simpler solution. We have an increasing number of licensed business partners in China, which can provide a network cover on large areas in China. So work with us and your recruitment will be more efficient and administration effortless!

(CBUK is a UK based bona fide company licensed in England and Wales. We run our business in conformity with the British Law. We assure you our business partners in China are all licensed and our joint operations with them are legal.)


2. Communicate in an effortless way

Having experienced higher education in both China and the UK, our staff in charge of student recruitment know both systems very well. We speak fluent English and Mandarin, therefore communication with us is easy.

Besides, we are based in the UK and you have easy access to us. No time difference, no language barrier. We are ready for face-to-face talks, even at short notice. We are saving you a lot of trouble and precious time, and a lot of money, too!


3. Obtain best sources of qualified students

We have various channels of approaching prospective students:

1) Through internet: Our website provides detailed information in both Chinese and English about study in the UK and the services we offer to help with applications including our online registration system, which has been proved an effective way of recruiting students. Our application enquiries come from everywhere, China, UK, Europe, etc. The number of applicants coming to us through internet is steadily increasing;

2) Through our business partners in China: Since not all applicants have access to internet and not every applicant is web-literate, many interested students come to know us through our partners' publicity in China. We will keep this channel open and make it wider;

3) Through our office in Leeds, UK: The central location of our office in Leeds city centre makes it easy and handy for people to approach us with various kinds of enquiries, among which a large number are about applications for academic programs;

4) Through our extensive network of individual representatives in both China and the UK: our individual representatives all over the UK and China work very hard for recruitment. They work to promote UK university/school programs and deal with applicants directly.


4. Benefit from our student services:

Noticing UK educational institutes may face issues when communicating with Chinese students, we have prepared to provide various services at your convenience, including:

free counselling for student clients

We offer free counselling and application services to applicants who are already in the UK and those who come to us through our business partners in China;

We offer free counselling to applicants outside UK, only a minimal fee is chargeable to cover the communication and translation expenses incurred in handling their applications.

full-range of reception services for students on arrival in the UK

Our reception services have been appreciated by both student clients and their parents.

follow-up services for our student clients

We continuously take care of our clients with a personal touch after they begin study in the UK, including their second or third applications for higher level programs. Many of them regard us as their second home, much valued by both parents and students.


5. Seize opportunities for other joint operations

We co-organize with UK educational institutions summer/winter programs for Chinese high school students; we arrange short training courses in the UK for Chinese managerial, professional and technical personnel. There are many other opportunities where we both can explore together the possibilities of joint operations.

CBUK has developed a strict set of guidelines to govern the actions of staff and to remain professional competence. Having already won acclaim from our student clients for our high-quality services, our represented UK institutions equally reckon our achievements in recruiting qualified and impressive Chinese students for them.


CBUK wishes to energetically process with nurture of international talents, educational globalisation and the lofty cause of world peace and development!


Try us!



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